Instructions For Authors

General Instructions for authors

Category of article

The REPEn will receive original articles, literature review (integrative, systematic and narrative), Theoretical study, Report of Professional Experience and Letter to the Editor.

Original articles:  are arisen from original and unedited. It should be followed: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (quantitative research) or Final considerations (qualitative research), and References, with all the subtitles highlighted in bold in the text. Its extension must be limited to 15 pages including the references and attachments. The maximum number of authors is seven. Researches involving human beings, must meet the provisions in the Resolution of the National Health Council (CNS No 466/2012 (  

Literature review: is a summarized and critical evaluation of the literature, of subjects that still need advancing in the scientific understanding of the theme. In the methods section, it must describe the type of review used: narrative, integrative, systematic, Scoping Review with flow and strategies of the search process and, categorization of articles related in the review. The same should be shown in the results section, in tabular form, with a synthesis of the articles found. In the discussion, it should do a reflection of the review contribution and implications for professional practice. With a maximum of twenty (20) pages (including abstracts and a maximum of 50 references), with up to 10 authors.

Report of professional experience: Works arisen from the professional and academic practice. Maximum (10) pages and 10 references.

Reflection: Report on a situation of practice and / or technological novelty in any instance (assistance, management, teaching, research, extension), which is of interest to nursing professionals and which can be reproduced in other services and settings. It should contain a maximum of 12 pages including abstracts, introduction, objective, method, results, discussion, final considerations and 16 references, up to 5 authors.

Letter to the Editor: maximum of 1 page.

Errata:  until 30 days from publication, solicit via e-mail (


The REPEn considers as authors those who participated in a substantial form in the elaboration process of the manuscript, so that they can assume all the responsibilities about its content. The REPEn adopts the four criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors  (ICMJE) on the conduct of:
– Substantial Contributions to the conception or design of the work; or 
the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work;
-Elaboration of the work or critical review for intellectual content;
-Final approval of the version to be published;
-Responsible for all the work aspects, ensuring that the issues regarding the precision or integrity of any part of the work  are adequately investigated and solved.

Conflicts of interest  

These can be of political, academic, commercial, personal and financial character. Declare conflicts of interest leads to a process of judgement free of influences that can compromise the publication. Therefore, authors, reviewers and editors must declare any conflict in respect to the reader.

 Manuscripts preparation

The references must be in accordance with the orientations of the Vancouver Norms, available from:

The editorial board of the REPEn concerns about the quality of articles to be published and for this guide to:

General formatting instructions

Line spacing of 1.5 cm, configured in A4 paper and numbered pages. The left and superior margins must be 3 cm and the right and inferior 2 cm. Font is Calibri sized 12 pt.; in direct citations with more than 3 lines and in speeches it must use Calibri font 10  and in the references use Calibri font 11, using editor Word for Windows 97-2003 or compatible editors. The manuscript must contain the number of pages regarding the category of article. The tables, pictures and figures must have simple spacing and Calibri font 12.

The manuscript preparation must be done in two different archives.  One containing authorship data (Identification page) and other without identification (Main document)

 Identification page

It must only contain the title, abstract, descriptors, names of authors, affiliation, corresponding author, complete address, telephone and electronic address.

Title In the author´s mother tongue in question. Calibri font 12, line spacing 1.5, centralized, only with the first letter of each word capitalized, without abbreviations, not exceeding 16 words.

Complete name of each author in bold, with the first name in uppercase, in a sequence in order of authorship separated by commas, with its (their) academic degree(s) and institutional affiliation  numbered (1,2,3) as superscripts;

Main document

This archive shall be contained in the complete manuscript, without containing the author identification, nor their affiliation.

Title: in Portuguese, or in the author´s mother tongue in question. Calibri font 12, line spacing 1.5, centralized, only with the first letter of each word capitalized, without abbreviations, not exceeding 16 words.

Abstract:   It must be presented on the first page, not exceeding 150 words. It must be structured with the following sections: objective, results and conclusion. Below the abstract must be three to five descriptors. The clinical trials must present the registration number of clinical trial at the end of the abstract.

Descriptors: To determine them, it must consult the list of Describers in Sciences of Health (DeCS), elaborated by BIREME and available on the internet at: or the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the Index Medicus. They must be in a linear sequence, separated by commas and only with the first letter capitalized.  

Note: If the manuscript is accepted for its publication, the author should provide translation of the title and abstract into Portuguese and Spanish language, by the translators presented in the topic (Editorial Poduction of the REPEn).

Note: When possible, reference studies published in REPEn (pag Ingles)

Body of the manuscript

The manuscripts must be prepared with line spacing 1.5 cm, configured in A4 paper and with page numbers. The left and superior margins must be 3 cm and the right and inferior 2 cm. Calibri font 12, using editor Word for Windows 97-2003 or compatible editors.  Tables, charts and figures must have simple spacing and Calibri font 12.

Structure Sections

 Original Articles and Literature Review

Acknowledgements (if necessary)

Financial source for the study (if there is)


The beginning of each section must contain the corresponding title in Calibri font size 12, left alignment, without paragraph, only with the first letter capitalized.  

The other categories of manuscripts (Report of Experience and Letter to the editor) must follow the own author´s description, maintaining the orientations of the beginning of the section.  


References should be indicated in a consecutive way, in the order in which they appear in the text, with numbers in parentheses, superscript to the last word of the sentence, with punctuation after the numbering, with point without superscript. This sequence of citation must be represented at the last of the article in the bibliographical references.   Exemple: oncology(1).

For more than one reference as form of citation, they must be presented in sequential order, superscript, in parentheses, separated by a hyphen.  Ex: nursing from São Paulo (5-6-7)

Quotations citations

Calibri font, size 10, italics and spacing 1.0, with a 3.0 indent from the left margin and with 6-point spacing before and after the talk. The source of the talk is identified in parentheses, without italics, without quotation marks.

Citations from direct transcriptions  

 In the case of the material extension is lesser than 3 lines, it must follow the normal text pattern, between quotation marks. If the transcription extension is greater than or equal to 3 lines, it must use letter without italics, font size of 10, spacing 1.0, indent of 3.0 cm from the border (Calibri). It must contain the reference from which the transcription was drawn. With no needing to indicate the page, in accordance with the Vancouver style (ICMJE).

Footnotes:  lower cases, Calibri, font size of 10.

Tables, charts and figures (photographs, designs, graphics, flow diagrams, etc.): comprise a maximum of five, for photos, charts, figures and tables.

Tables must be presented in accordance with the Rules of Tabular Presentation, of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics Foundation (IBGE- Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), available at:?

The title should be informative and concise located at the top, Calibri font, size 12, with simple space, between lines, bold font only in the header. Acronyms with their meanings should be used in the footnote. Do not include table with more than two pages.

Charts must be presented as described below:

The title should be informative and must be located at the top.

It differs from the tables mainly for containing textual data, are closed on the sides and contain internal lines.  

It must use Calibri font, size 12, with simple space between lines, bold font only in the header. ? Acronyms with their meanings should be used in the footnote.

Do not include chart with more than one page. Except for bibliographical reviews.

The title should be informative, located in the lower part. It should be completely readable, clear and self-explanatory;


It shall have high resolution and in JPEG, TIF or PNG files, in high resolution black and white or colored image of at least 300 pixels.

The photos of persons shall be exempted from personal identification (it should be used a stripe)

The photo must be accompanied by letter of authorization for publication (in case of photo of human being) and with citation of the original source (image bank). Informative title and shall be located in the lower part.  

Abbreviations and symbols: The acronym should be used as minimal as possible, and only after the term has been written in letter form, unless it is a unit of measure.

Acknowledgements (if there was one): it should describe the collaboration of professionals or institutions/services that contributed to the study conclusion.

Funding (if there was one): Specify the support from agencies financing research.

 References – in Vancouver Style (, Calibri font, size 12 spacing 1.5 with justified alignment.

The titles of journals used in the references must be abbreviated in accordance with the standardization constant in the NLM Catalog: Journals referenced in the NCBI Databases ( and in the BVS ( The journals are in constant update of their abbreviations, in attendance to international trends, in case of doubts about the abbreviation, it must be consulted the site of the own journal. When a reference is available in Portuguese and English, it must be cited the version in English. For studies extracted from the internet, it should put the date of access.


Book chapter

With different authorship between chapter and book

Sandelowski M. Making the best of things: technology in American nursing, 1870-1940. In: Hein EC. Nursing issues in the 21st century: perspectives from the literature. Philadelphia: Lippincott Willians; 2001. p.262-8.

With the same author for the chapter and book  

Reidt AV, Albano D.Nursing Technician. São Paulo: [Rossolillo]; 1942.: Clinical Nursing; p.155-6.

Theses, dissertations and monographs

Canassa NSA. Memory of midwives: the professional trajectory in the Carmela Dutra Maternity (1967- 1994)


Florianopolis: Post-graduation Program in Nursing, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, 2005.

Works published in congresses and seminars: annals, books of abstracts

Barreira IA, Batista SS. Nexes between the research in history of nursing and the process of scientification of the profession.?ln: Annals of the 51st Brazilian Congress of Nursing; 1999 Oct 2-7; Florianopolis (SC), Brazil. Florianopolis:?ABEn; 2000. p.295-311.

Periodical articles

Standard Article

Narchi NZ, Cruz EF, Goncalves R. The role of midwives and nurse-midwives in promoting safe motherhood in Brazil. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 2013;18(4):1059-68.

With more than six authors

Lima SBS,?Prochnow?AG, Cervo AS,?Denardi?JM,?Urbanetto?JS, Carmo MLC, et al. The university hospital of Santa Maria nursing memory Santa Maria – RS. Texto Contexto?Enferm. 2005;14(4):557-66.

Versions in more than one language

When a reference is published in Portuguese and English, it should cite the version in English.

Monteiro EA,?Mazin?SC, Dantas RAS. The Informal Caregiver Burden Assessment Questionnaire: validation for Brazil. Rev?Bras?Enferm. 2015;68(3):364-70.

Institution as author

São Paulo (State). Law no. 10,241, of  March, 17, 1999. Discusses about rights of the users of healthcare services. Official Gazette of São Paulo State, São Paulo, Mar., 18, 1999.

Electronic material

Electronic journal article

Matsubara TC, Carvalho EC, Canini SRMS, Sawad NO. Family crisis in the context of  bone marrow transplantation (TMO): an integrative review. Rev Latino-am Enferm. 2007 Jul-Aug; 15(4). Available in:

Material from the Web

COREN (BR). Good Practices: Safe Surgery [Internet]. São Paulo (SP): COREN; 2011 [access in Jul, 10, 2014]. Available in:

Publishing Costs

Submission Fee: in the amount of R$ 150.00 (one hundred and fifty reais) per article, which will be made by the author (s) of the manuscript after the pre-analysis acceptance statement. proof of payment of the fee must be sent to the e-mail:

Upon receiving the accepted opinion of the article, the author must pay the publication fee in the amount of R $ Upon receiving the accepted opinion of the article, the author must pay the publication fee in the amount of R $ 350.00 (three hundred and fifty reais) within up to seven days, after the final acceptance notice of the article. The proof of payment of the publishing fee must be sent to the e-mail:

The non-payment of the publishing fee within the appointed deadline implies the material archiving.

These fees should be paid by means of identifiable bank deposit, in the Savings Account of the Brazilian Association of Nursing–Bradesco Bank– Agency: 00548 – Current Account 11115-5 CNPJ ABEn São Paulo 33,989,468/0018, 58. The bank deposit identifiable requires a identifying code that, in case of physical person, corresponds to the CPF and, in case of juridical person, to the CNPJ of the payment establishment.

Documents for submission

Address for Submission:

In the submission of the manuscript it should be sent the following documentation:  

– Letter-to-the-Editor-in-chief with information about the reasons by which the person has chosen the REPEn for the submission of the manuscript.

– File with the Identification Page

– File with the Main document

– Conflict of Interest Declaration;

– Responsibility and publishing declaration;

– Copyright transfer agreement;

  • Certificate of the payment of the submission fee;
  • Proof of Approval of the study by the Research Ethics Committee involving Human Beings (if pertinent)

Manuscripts Assessment

The REPEn uses the criteria of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors do Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to take editorial conduct in case of plagiarism verified (

All the manuscripts will be submitted to analysis to verify eventual plagiarism

The article submission to the Revista Paulista de Enfermagem-REPEn must be exclusively by the e-mail:

The article is analyzed by peers (editor-in-chief, associated editors, ad hoc consultors or members of the editorial board) and blindly (without identifying the authors)

Process for manuscripts assessment

The procedure for processing manuscripts has two dimensions:  one is administrative and other refers to the scientific publishing itself. Administrative assessment: after submission by e-mail, is evaluated the adherence to the requirements of the journal. If there is any incongruity it is returned to the author for the appropriate adjustment. After the adjustment to the journal requirements, it begins the scientific assessment process for the manuscript analysis regarding the scientific production. In negative case, the manuscript is rejected.

The associate editors, in turn, decide about two possibilities: assess the manuscript and issue an opinion or designate a member of the editorial board or an ad hoc consultor to issue an opinion. The member of the editorial board and the   ad hoc consultor receive only the main document, without the authors´ identification, assess the manuscript and issue the opinion. The opinion on the basis of the assessment can be: 1- accepted; 2- require revisions and 3- rejected. The opinion “require revisions” are considered by the editors, which shall contact the authors so that the appropriate steps can be taken on it, within the period established by these.  If there are differences of opinions in any instance, a new reviewer is designated to issue the opinion.