Experiences of final-year nursing students during mental health internships. Qualitative analysis

análise qualitativa


  • Elsa Gil Mateu Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Campus Terres de l'Ebre
  • Josep Barceló Prats Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Campus Cataluña
  • Núria Albacar Riobóo Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Campus Terres de l'Ebre
  • Silvia Reverté Villarroya Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Campus Terres de l'Ebre




Investigación cualitativa, estudiantes de enfermeria, Salud mental, Prácticas clínicas, Pensamiento crítico, Método de enseñanza


Objective: To explore the feelings, perceptions, and experiences of nursing students in mental health units during their clinical practices. Method: Qualitative study. Purposive sample of 81 students of the nursing degree enrolled in the subject of clinical practices in Mental Health Care Units. During these, a dynamic debate forum was incorporated. The forums were analyzed through a content analysis. Results: 6 forums were held with a total of 604 participations, with an average of 100. Six categories emerged: understanding mental illness, nursing interventions, stigma, therapeutic relationship, living with mental illness, learning. Conclusion: Negative stereotypes, shame and stigma imposed by society are obstacles that students must overcome. A methodology that accompanies them during the internship leads them to a process of reflection, integrating people's beliefs and values, applying knowledge and clinical judgment.


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How to Cite

Gil Mateu E, Barceló Prats J, Albacar Riobóo N, Reverté Villarroya S. Experiences of final-year nursing students during mental health internships. Qualitative analysis: análise qualitativa. Rev Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];35. Available from: https://repen.com.br/repen/article/view/198

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