Impact of Cognitive Stimulation on Mental Health in the Elderly
Portuguese Experience in Active and Healthy Aging
aged, Cognitive Dysfunction, Cognitive Stimulation, Aging, Health of the ElderlyAbstract
Objectives: to assess the impact of the activities of a cognitive stimulation program on the mental health of the elderly in the context of cognitive and depressive status. Method: longitudinal study, pre and post intervention type, developed with 33 elderlies, in the city of Porto, Portugal, in the context of in the VintAGEING+Happy program, applied by a multi-professional team, in two editions, from 2019 to 2020. Results: The improvement in cognitive status was evidenced by increasing the variation of the means of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores by 6.5% (p=0.044) and improvement in depressive status, obtained by the Geriatric Depression Scale, in the reduction of the variation of the means of the scores by 22.5% (p=0.153), in addition to 100% reduction of severe depression. Conclusion: the mental health gains in the elderly sample post intervention with cognitive stimulation demonstrates that the VintAGEING+Happy program has necessary and feasible components to follow as a positive intervention for the well-being of the elderly.
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