Use of Bach Flower Remedies for Child Autism Symptoms Management
Experience Report
Autistic disorder, Flower essences, Complementary therapiesAbstract
Objective: To report an experience in managing the exacerbation of typical behavior in autistic children by using flower therapy. Method: Experience report from two Bach Flower consultations held in private practice in April and May 2018 with the mother of an autistic child. Results: After 14 days of using Rescue Remedy, Cherry Plum, White Chestnut and Walnut formula, mother reported improvement in altered behaviors; at the second visit, child maintained improvement in behavior, including school performance. Conclusion: It´s been observed in the reported experience the beneficial effects of flower remedies to manage typical behaviors of autistic spectrum disorders in a child patient. More research on the use of flower therapy in managing exacerbated behaviors in autistic children is needed, including clinical trials, to strengthen scientific evidence.
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