Social representation of health professionals from emergency room toward alcohol and other drugs users
Emergency Treatment, Psychiatry Nursing, Alcoholism, Mental Disorders, Health PersonnelAbstract
The abuse of alcohol and drugs is a worldwide problem of public health. The consequences of this abuse are determinants to the morbidity and mortality in the health field and occupy a prominent place in the emergency care. However, the attendance at these services is limited to acute physical problems and a small proportion are diagnosed and referred appropriately. Also there is a prevalence of stigma, disability and dangerousness of the alcohol and other drugs user. This study objectives to identify through the national and international literature, the social representation of workers from emergency department about the users of alcohol and drugs published between 1999 to 2009, analyzing the influence of this category on the quality of the service. 03 articles were selected because showed similarity to the theme. We conclude that a it is needed a cultural change on the paradigms that have traditionally guided the health professionals work, so they can provide appropriate assistance, free of prejudices and judgments to implement interventions that facilitate the alcohol and other drugs users recovery.
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