The Nursing as leader role in proposing an interprofessional specialization course in oncology




Medical Oncology, Oncology Service, Hospital, Patient Care Team;, Interprofessional Education, Health Human Resource Training, Oncology Nursing


Objective: to describe the experience of nurses in proposing and conducting an Interprofessional Specialization
Course in Oncology. Method: Reflective study on the conception of a Specialization Course based on the cooperation between professors at Nursery School of Universidade de São Paulo and managing
nurses of Instituto do Câncer in the State of São Paulo. Results: Nineteen nurses, five physiotherapists,
three pharmacists and two social workers took part of the Specialization Course, with a workload of
490 hours. Invited Professors/specialists taught the contents, favoring the interprofessional approach
in Oncology during eight modules. Monographs, in the integrative review format, dealt with priority/
emerging issues in oncology, and, by showing proposals of interprofessional interventions, demonstrated
potential for implementation in assistance/management practice of those who concluded the Course.
Conclusion: The Specialization Course, led by nurses, benefited the training of health Professionals for
collaborative action in oncology, in care and management processes.
Descriptors: Medical Oncology; Oncology Service, Hospital; Patient Care Team; Interprofessional Education;
Health Human Resource Training; Oncology Nursing.


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How to Cite

Lima AFC, Calache ALSC, Silva AM da, Santos DV dos, Salvetti M de G. The Nursing as leader role in proposing an interprofessional specialization course in oncology. Rev Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];33(1):A01. Available from:

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