Discharge Guidelines
Patient Satisfaction as a Tool for Process Improvement
Continuity of Patient Care, Process Assessment, Health Care, Patient Discharge, Nursing Staff, Hospital, Nursing CareAbstract
Objective: To investigate the satisfaction of patients regarding the guidance received by the team for care at home and to identify the factors related to patient, hospitalization, and discharge that intervene in satisfaction. Method: Survey study conducted in 12 inpatient units of a teaching hospital. The questionnaire, constructed and tested in Likert scale format was distributed to patients or their companions included in the responsible discharge plan in the period April and August 2019. Results: The 111 patients' satisfaction with guidelines received a median 3.0(3.0-4.0), highlighting the handling of probes and dressings and use of existing artifacts and services in the community. There was also an association with surgical hospitalization (p=0.007). Conclusion: Patients reported being satisfied with the orientation received. However, they were not given to all patients and/or did not include important aspects to prepare the patient/family for discharge. The only intervening factor in satisfaction was the surgical admission modality.
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