The Impact of Neurocognitive Disorder in the Family
A Scoping Review
Dementia, Family relations, Nursing, AdaptationAbstract
Aims: To investigate the existing scientific literature on the impact of dementia; to identify the different household members who have been investigated in studies; to identify the research methods being used and to verify the dimensions of the impact of dementia in the family. Method: This scoping review was based on the principles developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Two independent reviewers analyzed the papers in terms of relevance, extracted data, and synthesized data. 27 studies were selected. Results: Informal care is provided to patients with dementia mainly by women, and especially by wives, daughters, and daughters-in-law. The impact resulting from the onset of this disease has been widely studied, and it influences caregiving both positively and negatively. Conclusion: The informal caregiver, as well as the whole family, are especially interested in the well-being, health, and disease of their relatives. Therefore, involving caregivers and families in research and nursing care is fundamental.
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