Neonatal transfers from alongside birth center to a hospital setting
Newborn, Birthing Centers, Midwifery, PerinatologyAbstract
Introduction: Neonatal transfers from birth centers to hospital settings are an indirect indicator of the safety of this place for newborns of low-risk pregnant women. Objectives: To describe the characteristics of newborns from the Birth Center Casa de Maria to the General Hospital of Itaim Paulista and identify the reasons for these transfers. Method: A descriptive study was carried including of 72 newborns transferred form 2006 to 2007. Data were collected from medical records and a descriptive analysis was conducted. Results: 5.6% eliminated meconium intra-partum; one had an Apgar score <7 at 1st and at 5th minutes of life, 81.8% weighed between 2500 and 4000g; the transfer rate was 12.7% and the main reasons were jaundice (46%), newborn small or large for gestational age (11.5%) and problems related to breastfeeding (9.2%); 11.1% were admitted into the neonatal unit; there were no cases of neonatal death or severe sequelae. Conclusion: The main reasons for neonatal transfers are due to neonatal medical reasons frequent among newborns, do not represent an emergency situation and are not related to the care provided during delivery.
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