Strengthening the pedagogical and technical skills of health trainers in Mozambique
report of an experience
Health Human Resource Training, Education, Nursing, Continuing Education, Mentoring, SolidarityAbstract
The objective is to report the experience of conducting a workshop to strengthen the pedagogical and technical skills of health trainers in the Republic of Mozambique. The workshop was structured in three complementary and interdependent dimensions: planning, implementation and evaluation of the intern-ship, which had as transversal axes the themes of decision making and problem solving; leadership styles; collaborative interprofessional practice, conflict management, bioethics and ethical deliberation. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health of Mozambique, maternal health nursing graduates, general nursing graduates, and general nurses from the provinces of Inhambane, Zambézia, and Nampula. During the training activities, through dialogical presentations, educational games, dynamics in pairs and in groups, aiming at increasing the integration of contents and adapting them to the reality of the trainers, the participants’ previous experiences and experiences in tutoring nursing students were recalled.
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